A Beautiful Bride

Further Resources

  •  Small Group Guide: The Church as the Bride of Christ


    Opening Question:

    - How would you describe the church to someone who has never been part of one?


    Key Takeaways:

    1. The church is the Bride of Christ, a central priority for Jesus.

    2. Marriage is meant to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church.

    3. The church is preparing itself for the ultimate union with Christ.

    4. Jesus desires a large, diverse bride from all nations and backgrounds.


    Discussion Questions:

    1. How does seeing the church as the Bride of Christ change your perspective on its importance?


    2. The sermon states, "You can't stay close to Jesus for long and say, 'I really don't like the church, but I love Jesus.'" Do you agree or disagree? Why?


    3. How does understanding marriage as a reflection of Christ and the church impact your view of relationships (whether you're married or single)?


    4. What does it mean for the church to "prepare" itself as a bride? How can we participate in this preparation?


    5. The sermon mentions purity and zealousness for good works as key hallmarks of the church. How can we cultivate these qualities in our lives and community?


    6. How does the idea of Jesus wanting a "big bride" from all nations challenge or inspire you?


    Practical Applications:

    1. Prioritize Church: Reflect on how you can make church a higher priority in your life. This might include regular attendance, deeper involvement in community, or increased service.


    2. Pursue Good Works: Identify one area where you can be more "zealous for good works" this week. Share with the group and hold each other accountable.


    3. Cultivate Purity: Spend time in prayer asking God to reveal areas where you need to grow in purity. Consider finding an accountability partner to support you.


    4. Expand Your Vision: Think about how you can contribute to the growth and diversity of the church. This might involve inviting others, supporting missions, or engaging with different cultures.


    5. Reflect on Christ's Love: Take time this week to meditate on Christ's love for the church. How does this impact your own love for the church and its members?


    Closing Prayer:

    Close by praying for a deeper love and commitment to the church, both locally and globally. Ask God to help each member see the church as Christ sees it and to play their part in preparing the Bride for her ultimate union with Christ.


A Holy Temple


The Lord Our Healer