The Lord Our Healer

Further Resources

  • 1. Understanding Healing: What does the name Jehovah Rapha mean to you personally? How do you interpret the concept of healing in a spiritual context?

    2. Biblical Examples: Can you identify instances in the Bible where Jehovah Rapha is demonstrated? How do these examples influence your understanding of God’s healing power?

    3. Personal Experiences: Have you experienced a time in your life when you felt the healing presence of God? How did that experience shape your faith?

    4. Physical vs. Spiritual Healing: In your opinion, how do physical healing and spiritual healing differ? Can they coexist, and if so, how?

    5. Role of Faith: How does faith play a role in the healing process? What scriptures or teachings support your view on the relationship between faith and healing?

    6. Community Support: How can a faith community support individuals seeking healing? What practical steps can be taken to foster an environment of healing?

    7. Prayer and Healing: What is the significance of prayer in the context of healing? How can we incorporate prayer into our discussions about Jehovah Rapha?

    8. Challenges to Belief: What challenges do you face in believing in God as a healer, especially in times of illness? How can these challenges be addressed within a faith community?

    9. Healing Beyond the Physical: In what ways can Jehovah Rapha heal emotional or relational wounds? How can we seek and offer healing in these areas?

    10. Future Hope: How does the concept of Jehovah Rapha provide hope for the future, both in this life and beyond? What does this mean for your daily life and interactions with others?


The Lord Our Peace