21 Days of Prayer
January 5-26, 2025
Join us as we intentionally seek God in prayer and believe for Him to move in powerful ways.
Scroll down for weekly schedule
We have set our hearts to be a people of prayer. We seek to “Pray First.” In every situation, whether good or bad, we try to pray before we act - prayer should be our first response, not our last resort.
Prayer moves God’s hand. He has commanded us to pray. It is a privilege to pray. It is also a discipline and we hope these resources ignite your heart and equip you to pray. Thank you for joining us on this journey - let’s dream together of what God might do in and through a praying church. Let’s pray – when we gather, and when we scatter. When we are hurting and when life is great. When we have 30 minutes and when we have 30 seconds. When we are at work, home, church or on the streets.
What, When, How?
Every January we set aside deliberate time to focus on prayer. In January 2025 we are setting aside 21 Days to focus TOGETHER on prayer. We will also be encouraging individuals to FAST as well as undertaking a DANIEL FAST TOGETHER as a community (see Daniel Fast information at the bottom of the page). We will begin our focus and corporate Daniel fast on the evening of Sunday 5th January 2025 with a prayer gathering. The prayer schedule and rhythm for the following three weeks are outlined below - we encourage you to make a note of the prayer gatherings and prioritise them in your calendar - as well as building in your own prayer time. 21 Days will culminate with a meal together after church on Sunday the 26th of January.
Online Prayer: The link for our morning online prayer gatherings is HERE. You must use your real name and allow your video so we can ensure we know who you are to safeguard from any unhelpful content. If video is not suitable, we will ask you to confirm your identity with audio. On mobile devices, you will need to download GOOGLE MEET. On computers/laptops you can use your web browser.
Wednesday and Saturday morning prayer: We will gather on Wednesday (7-8am) and Saturday mornings (9-10am) at the Life House church building. The address is 46 King Harold Rd, Colchester CO3 4SE.
Prayer Walks: Whilst taking into account safety, consider going for prayer walks with others. Why not invite those who live around your area to prayer walk with you? Pop a message on the Facebook Community group/invite friends, name a time and place and go from there.
Guests We are looking forward to having various guests with us on Sunday - some in the morning preaching and ministering, others in the evening imparting and ministering.
Most Christians want to pray, or pray more! However we often struggle to know how to start, what to say and how to - this prayer guide offers practical tools to help you pray. In it you will find biblical prayers to pray through, principles to follow and verses to help you.
Scroll through the book by clicking on the image (click the fullscreen mode for double pages), or download it by clicking the button below or the cloud icon on the image.
We have adapted our Prayer Guide from another church and they kindly make available their similar Kids Prayer Guide which you can download HERE
During January we fast together as a community - encouraging individuals to fast, and for all those who can to join us in a ‘partial fast’ - a Daniel Fast. In the bible, Daniel's fight against spiritual forces was aided by his prayer with fasting. The Daniel Fast is a simple way for us all to learn and grow together in the powerful discipline. You eat a simple diet and this helps focus your heart on God and continue to pray.
It will help us pray beyond our gatherings and add spiritual weight to our prayers.
We will encounter God.
In this time of adversity, it will help us thrive.
To take part simply download the guide and cookbook below and plan your fast (thanks to Relational Mission for these resources). If you are changing your diet or doing a form of fast for the whole 21 days, start on Monday 6th January and break fast on Sunday 26th January. If you can’t change your diet for medical reasons or you just don’t think you can fast from certain foods, the guide includes suggestions as to other ways you can fast.
“Fasting does not gain us any merit with God but it is a weapon that gains ground for the Kingdom.”
We believe that, like Daniel, our fasting together will lead to even more breakthrough than would otherwise have happened. Join us, let’s draw near to God together and see Him move in power.
Plan your Daniel fast (optional). We have produced a guide and a cookbook - simply click on the images to download a pdf.
Why do we fast? ‘The goal of fasting is to turn ourselves from worldly things and set our minds and hearts fully on God. It is not a way to manipulate God or coerce him to hear and answer our prayers, but rather it acknowledges our complete dependence on him. Fasting awakens us to the reality that we are so often driven by our fleshly desires and appetites. It humbles us and awakens us to our great need for and reliance on God. As you consider fasting, we want to encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit. Ask God to lead you in this time of seeking His face. Whether you choose to fast for one day, several days, or the entire 21 days, the point is to humble yourself in a new way and draw near to God. Here are some ideas of what you could choose.’ (The Summit Church)
Find even more resources at redeemerchurchcolchester.org/pray.
Use the acronym ACTS to develop a balanced prayer life and communicate with God in a way that encourages intimacy.
Wow, Sorry, Thanks, Please: Four Simple Words to Lead Your Child in Prayer
Jeannie Cunnion shares how she uses a simplified version of the ACTS model of prayer with her young children.
Use this example of how you might read through, meditate on, and respond to a Bible passage through prayer.
Books to Strengthen Your Prayer Life
Strengthen your prayer life with these recommended resources.
Church of the Highlands have a helpful ‘Pray First’ App. Download at App Store or at the Play Store.
24-7 Prayer have a helpful Devotional/Prayer App. Download at App Store or at the Play Store.