The Lord Our Banner

Scriptures: Exodus 17v15

Keywords: banner, god, victory

Further Resources

  • The Lord is My Banner

    Key Takeaways:

    1. We are in a spiritual battle, not just physical conflicts.

    2. "The Lord is my banner" means God identifies, leads, communicates through, and rallies us.

    3. Jesus and the cross are our ultimate banner, symbolizing God's victory over sin and death.

    Discussion Questions:

    1. What does the phrase "The Lord is my banner" mean to you personally? How does it relate to your life?

    2. The sermon mentions four purposes of banners in battle: identification, leadership, communication, and rallying. Which of these resonates most with you and why?

    3. How have you experienced spiritual warfare in your own life? Share an example of a time when you felt you were in a spiritual battle.

    4. The sermon states that saying "The Lord is my banner" means submitting to God's plan. How do you struggle with or embrace this idea of submission?

    5. Discuss a time when you had to rally to God as your banner during a difficult situation. What was the outcome?

    6. How can we effectively communicate the message of God's victory through Jesus to others in our daily lives?

    Practical Applications:

    1. This week, identify one area in your life where you need to rally to God as your banner. Share with the group and commit to praying for each other in these areas.

    2. Create a physical reminder (like a small banner or symbol) to place somewhere visible in your home or workplace to help you remember that the Lord is your banner.

    3. Practice sharing your testimony of God's victory in your life with a partner in the group. Encourage each other to look for opportunities to share this with others outside the group this week.

    4. Commit to memorizing a Bible verse that reminds you of God's victory, such as 1 Corinthians 15:57 or Romans 8:37.

    5. As a group, brainstorm ways you can support each other in spiritual battles, like Moses was supported by Aaron and Hur. Implement one of these ideas in the coming week.

    Closing Prayer:

    Close the session by praying together, acknowledging God as your banner and asking for His strength and guidance in the spiritual battles you face.


The Lord Our Shepherd


Our God - Uniquely Different and Utterly Dependable