The Lord Our Provider

Further Resources

    • Icebreaker Question:

    Does anyone have a brief testimony to how God has provided in a specific way for a material need? 

    • Worship:

    Following Sunday’s preach, and at the start of a new term, with for some, new group relationships, it is a good time to focus your worship time (with appropriate songs) on God’s greatest provision of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb for the forgiveness of our sins; and to remember this by sharing the bread and juice together. Consider using any of the following verses to help focus on Jesus as the Lamb of God: Is.53 v.6 – 7 & 10; John 1 v.29; 1 Cor.5 v.7

    Also consider remembering Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb for all of mankind (John 1 v.29) and take a few minutes to pray for not yet saved friends and family.

    • Word application:

    Sunday’s message was on God’s revelation of Himself (in Gen.22) as Jehovah-Jireh – the Lord who is our Provider.

    Discussion Questions:

    1.       In a similar way to how Abram brought about Isaac, have you ever tried to bring about a promise from God in your own way?

    What was the outcome? Has God redeemed that situation for you?

    Remember, God is not just Jehovah-Jireh but also El Shaddai – the all-sufficient One for every situation you will face (Gen.17 v.1).

    2.        In what way does recognising that Abraham was a prophet (Gen.20 v.7), help you better understand God and his request of Abraham to sacrifice his son? 

    Moses’ wish was that all the Lord’s people were prophets (Num. 11 v.29). In what ways can we communicate the heart of God as a prophetic people?

    3.       Do you personally have a hope which you need a clear promise from God for and thereby add certainty to the fulfilment of your hope?

    Faith comes from God’s word to you and it is that which gives certainty to our hopes – Hebs.11 v.1

    4.       Is there some specific situation or needed provision, that you are currently trusting God for (e.g. your future; a job; a family member; a financial need)?

    If you are living in obedience to God’s commands (e.g. righteous living; generous giving, etc) then you can confidently look to Him in prayer for His provision.

    • Prayer

    In conclusion, it is suggested that you pray as a Group (or in twos or threes) specially for those for whom question 3 or 4 is particularly pertinent. 

    Encourage people to be open to the Lord to give them specific words of encouragement to those being prayed for.


The Lord Our Shepherd