Further Resources

  • 1) How have you gained wisdom from studying the Bible? (Try to encourage specific examples)

    2) What comes to mind when you think about the life of a Christian involving effort/work?

    3) Paul wrote (v5), “no athlete wins unless he competes according to the rules” (obedient, Holy living, and discipling others) Can you give an example of seeing a Christian brother/sister doing that well? (Could be themselves) What did that cost them?

    4) How are we doing with entrusting Gods teaching to others? Jesus has called us to “make disciples of all nations”. How can we encourage one another more in making disciples? Who are you actively discipling at the moment? (the lost, a new believer, backslidden believer or long time believer to find and follow Jesus) Pray for them. (If people are not discipling anyone, encourage them to ask God to show them who, and pray for that person).



