Obeying God’s Call

Just under 10 years ago God placed California on my heart and throughout our marriage both Jordan and I (Bekka) have felt this call growing stronger and stronger through prophetic words and through our own times of calling on God. This calling hasn’t always been an easy one to hold onto and throughout the last 7 years we have experienced many closed doors and a lot of heartache, but God never let us close it down completely.

Through a series of prophetic words and after an invitation to come from Tom and Josie Shaw, we knew that it was Sanctuary Church in San Francisco that God wanted us to go and support and so last year we decided to drop everything, leave our jobs, rent out our house and go and volunteer for Sanctuary for 6 months.

It was during this time that God really confirmed to us that this was the place he intended for us to take our family.

At the time we were not sure what that would look like but we shared this heart with the leaders in the church and, due to some significant changes within the leadership, a position opened up for Jordan to take on a position of Associate Pastor for the church. In all honesty at the time I think we almost couldn’t believe it was happening - this was something we had fought for for 7 years and now it seemed like the door was finally being opened. We knew there were alot of other hurdles to com to actually make it possible to get out there but God has smashed down each and every one of those in ways that we could never have even asked for and so in just under 2 weeks myself, Jordan and Alfie will officially be on a plane to Los Angeles and then will drive on up to San Francisco to go and join the team at Sanctuary Church!

We could never thank each and everyone of you enough for the part that you have played in preparing us, loving us, and getting us ready for the next step. Whilst it’s painful to have to leave, we’re blessed to have walked this journey with you all.

How can you support us?

Our 4 main prayer points would be;

  1. For the final details such as housing, a car, finances and shipping our belongings (and hopefully our cat!)

  2. For each of us as we settle into what this new season of life will look like and the changes we are about to face

  3. For our family and friends that we are leaving behind, both for comfort now and for wisdom in how to keep communications going across the globe

  4. For Sanctuary Church, that we will see God move and strengthen our Church and for their launch in January.

Support us Financially

Bekka will not be allowed to work due the requirements of the VISA and so we are going to be in need of some support! Both now for our moving costs and during our time out there. To find out how best to support us financially please email us here.


The Svandas - our Bulgarian journey so far!