EVENT: ENOUGH Half Night of Prayer 18/3

See below for details of WHAT and HOW. Redeemer will be joining the Hope Church (Ipswich) Hub. If you want to join us on the night,  contact us by clicking the button below.

So what is ENOUGH?

ENOUGH is an initiative that will inspire and resource local churches and individuals to increase their desire for God through worship and prayer, and to engage in prayer with vibrant emerging apostolic vision before them, in order to see lives and situations transformed and a broken world healed.


We'd like to invite you to take part in three ENOUGH half nights of prayer on Friday evenings during 2016.

These are not just part of your church's prayer routine, but are extraordinary prayer meetings. This is a radical and urgent call to us to gather everyone in our family of churches to pray and intercede together at the same time. Often we can see hundreds praying together corporately for different church family issues. How great it would be to see thousands praying together in many locations for many situations in many nations, all at the same time!

The events will happen in hubs across Relational Mission, facilitated by a hub leader, with churches joining their local hub for the night. The evenings will include a family meal, worship and plenty of prayer. We'll provide training for hub leaders and an exciting menu of ideas and approaches to choose from to structure the evening and provoke new ways of praying, and to energise us about prayer and release us from some of the barriers we sometimes feel when we come to pray.


ENOUGH will take place on two Friday nights in 2016:

  • Friday 18 March 2016
  • Friday 4 November 2016

The next half night of prayer on Friday 18 March 2016 will take place in various hubs across Relational Mission. Find details of the hubs here.


ENOUGH is an opportunity to invite God to change history through our prayers. You can be in at the start!

  • Find out how you join in with ENOUGH here.
  • Find ENOUGH resources, including our branding pack and Mike Betts's recommended reading list here.
  • Find out about praying with ENOUGH between events here.

And after ENOUGH?

We pray that these gatherings will help us build momentum in prayer as a family. ENOUGH is really the beginning of the journey. God has spoken to us, explaining that we have a compass, but not a map. ENOUGH is about setting our direction. We expect it to be organic in nature, building as we go, so partner with us and let’s see where God takes us.


EVENT: Stateside Taster!


Introducing: Zama Moyo