INTRODUCING: Esteban Ocana

INTRODUCING is a blog series introducing you to some of the members of Redeemer. You will meet some of them through their fact file, their life story, or their faith journey.

Esteban Ocana

My name is Esteban Ocana, I am a 2nd year Law student at the University of Essex and have been leaving in Colchester for about a year.

I was born and razed in Colombia, in a culturally catholic home. My family was leaving a seemingly normal life until God came to our rescue. In 2006 my sister was hospitalized due to a serious case of pneumonia. It was here when she first heard the word of God through our aunt who was Christian. These same words seemed to be breathing life, colour, and health back into her; her change was so evident end sudden that to ignore it was impossible. After this prayer session, my sister turned to my mom and dad and said that whatever that was she wanted more of it. So at the age of 6 or 7, we started to try different churches in Bogota and even enrolled in a Christian American Highschool. It was in this high school and in the church where my faith foundations were laid, and laid well. I was blessed to see God’s power, love, and mercy; to understand the history of humanity according to our purpose for and through God.

With this culture around me, a made sure to stay involved in the church as much as possible. And as we moved from country to country due to my dad’s job, God was always at the centre of our lives. There was always a welcoming church and Christian school. It was in Argentina at the age of 17 when I decide to make this faith, this walk, my own and got baptized. After graduating, I saw how God lead me to amazing work as a cook in Spain and even gave me a place to sleep when I didn’t know where I was going to stay. It was during this season of hard work that I realized I could do anything since the Lord of the universe was on my side! So onto law school, I went.

Now in my second year, having lived in many places and met many people, I struggle to understand how people manage to get up in the morning without God. How is it possible to endure the weight of life on your own? Trick question, you can’t. That is why before coming to the UK I needed to identify a church to attend. As I researched I saw this church with many flags and many interesting characters. For some reason, I was drawn to it. I reached out and, as always, I felt extremely welcomed and at home. I now call this group of people a home! This season of my life with Redeemer has allowed me to grow in my faith like never before! And working alongside the team has given me insight into the importance of the church and the many challenges that God paves over to reach people.

I look forward to maturing more and more in my faith and alongside my church, always asking what He will have me do.