Welcome 'The Parkers'

Late on Tuesday the 26th August, Ben and Mikka Parker arrived in Colchester to make it their home. Here is some of the back story...

One of the first groups of people I shared the news of our move to  Colchester with, was The City Church office team of which I was part. Mikka was on that team doing an 'Impact' year (now called ID - check it out here) and she got very, very excited! Her and her soon to be husband both had a passion to be involved in church planting and 'going to the Nations' - something that excites us too. Soon after hearing the news they decided to come and join us. Obviously work and weddings had to be honoured so they planned to move soon after their wedding and began job hunting.

Time passed, they got married (woop! See Photos below) but no jobs came up. Undeterred Ben handed in his notice, they prepared to move out of their house on Wednesday 25th August...only to hear about a job for him on the evening of Tuesday the 24th! What a journey! By the way this is the short telling of it! I'm sure you'll get to know them more as time passes!